
Too late Paul, shoulda done it when you were on the 2K cover. 这对于保罗而言太晚了,这本应该是他当选2K任务时干的事。 PG finishes 256th in MVP voting with 6/2/3 on 5 shots a game. 保罗乔治以场均5次出手的情况下,拿到6分2篮板3助攻,在MVP投票中排名第256名...

And that’s when, like — man. You ever been on the phone, and someone says something … and thenall of a sudden, all you can think about after is, I don’t want to be on the phone anymore! Not even in a rude way. Just, like, your willpower to have...

01 I beat you to it. ►beat somebody to it: 比某人抢先一步做了某事。 ▷I was just about to open some wine but I see you've beaten me to it. 我刚想开瓶酒呢,看来你抢在我前头...

1. Yes, well, opportunity comes when you least expect it, my dear. 没错,机会总是在最不经意之时垂青于你,亲爱的。 2. Then it's high time that you learned. 那现在是时候学一下...

E:When do you usually go to the movies? P: I usually go in my free time on the weekends. How about you? E: The movie theater is always so crowded on the weekends. I like to...

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